class, portmap=None)[source]

Maps integer sequence to/from path-like port identifiers.


>>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]')
>>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]')
array([2, 3])
>>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1])
[('a', 0), ('a', 1)]
  • selector (str, unicode, or sequence) – Selector string (e.g., ‘/foo[0:2]’) or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [[‘foo’, (0, 2)]]) to map to data.
  • portmap (sequence of int) – Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified, it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0 through one less than the number of ports.

pandas.MultiIndex – Index of port identifiers.


pandas.Series – Map of port identifiers to integer indices.


The selectors may not contain any ‘*’ or ‘[:]’ characters. A single port identifier may be mapped to multiple integer indices, but not vice-versa.

__init__(selector, portmap=None)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


__init__(selector[, portmap]) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
copy() Return copy of this port mapper.
equals(pm) Check whether this mapper is equivalent to another mapper.
from_index(idx[, portmap]) Create port mapper from a Pandas index and a sequence of integer indices.
from_pm(pm) Create a new port mapper instance given an existing instance.
get_map(selector) Retrieve integer indices associated with selector.
inds_to_ports(inds) Convert list of integer indices to port identifiers.
ports_to_inds(selector) Convert port selector to list of integer indices.
set_map(selector, portmap) Set mapped integer index associated with selector.


index Port mapper index.