
class neurokernel.plsel.Selector(s)[source]

Validated and expanded port selector.

Parameters:s (Selector, str, or unicode) – Existing Selector class instance or string representation. The selector may not be ambiguous. If an existing Selector instance is specified, the new instance is a copy of the existing instance.

str – String representation of selector.


tuple of tuples – Expanded selector.


int – Maximum number of levels in selector.


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


__init__(s) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
add(*sels) Combine the identifiers in multiple selectors into a single selector.
add_str(*s) Combine the identifiers in multiple selector strings into a single selector.
concat(*sels) Concatenate the identifiers in multiple selectors elementwise.
prod(*sels) Compute the product of identifiers in multiple selectors.
union(*sels) Compute the union of the identifiers in multiple selectors.


expanded Expanded selector.
identifiers List of individual identifiers in selector.
max_levels Maximum number of levels in selector.
nonempty True if the selector contains identifiers.
str String representation of selector.