Source code for neurokernel.mpi

#!/usr/bin/env python

MPI support classes.

import inspect
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from mpi4py import MPI

from mpi_proc import getargnames, Process, ProcessManager
from mixins import LoggerMixin
from tools.logging import setup_logger, set_excepthook
from tools.misc import memoized_property

[docs]class Worker(Process): """ MPI worker class. This class repeatedly executes a work method. Parameters ---------- ctrl_tag : int MPI tag to identify control messages transmitted to worker nodes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ctrl_tag=1, *args, **kwargs): super(Worker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Tag used to distinguish control messages: self._ctrl_tag = ctrl_tag # Execution step counter: self.steps = 0
# Define properties to perform validation when the maximum number of # execution steps set: _max_steps = float('inf') @property def max_steps(self): """ Maximum number of steps to execute. """ return self._max_steps @max_steps.setter def max_steps(self, value): if value < 0: raise ValueError('invalid maximum number of steps') self.log_info('maximum number of steps changed: %s -> %s' % \ (self._max_steps, value)) self._max_steps = value def do_work(self): """ Work method. This method is repeatedly executed by the Worker instance after the instance receives a 'start' control message and until it receives a 'stop' control message. It should be overridden by child classes. """ self.log_info('executing do_work') def pre_run(self): """ Code to run before main loop. This method is invoked by the `run()` method before the main loop is started. """ self.log_info('running code before body of worker %s' % self.rank) def post_run(self): """ Code to run after main loop. This method is invoked by the `run()` method after the main loop is started. """ self.log_info('running code after body of worker %s' % self.rank) # Send acknowledgment message: self.intercomm.isend(['done', self.rank], 0, self._ctrl_tag) self.log_info('done message sent to manager') def run(self): """ Main body of worker process. """ self.pre_run() self.log_info('running body of worker %s' % self.rank) # Start listening for control messages from parent process: r_ctrl = [] try: d = self.intercomm.irecv(source=0, tag=self._ctrl_tag) except TypeError: # irecv() in mpi4py 1.3.1 stable uses 'dest' instead of 'source': d = self.intercomm.irecv(dest=0, tag=self._ctrl_tag) r_ctrl.append(d) running = False req = MPI.Request() self.steps = 0 while True: # Handle control messages (this assumes that only one control # message will arrive at a time): flag, msg_list = req.testall(r_ctrl) if flag: msg = msg_list[0] # Start executing work method: if msg[0] == 'start': self.log_info('starting') running = True # Stop executing work method:: elif msg[0] == 'stop': if self.max_steps == float('inf'): self.log_info('stopping') running = False else: self.log_info('max steps set - not stopping') # Set maximum number of execution steps: elif msg[0] == 'steps': if msg[1] == 'inf': self.max_steps = float('inf') else: self.max_steps = int(msg[1]) self.log_info('setting maximum steps to %s' % self.max_steps) # Quit: elif msg[0] == 'quit': if self.max_steps == float('inf'): self.log_info('quitting') break else: self.log_info('max steps set - not quitting') # Get next message: r_ctrl = [] try: d = self.intercomm.irecv(source=0, tag=self._ctrl_tag) except TypeError: # irecv() in mpi4py 1.3.1 stable uses 'dest' instead of 'source': d = self.intercomm.irecv(dest=0, tag=self._ctrl_tag) r_ctrl.append(d) # Execute work method; the work method may send data back to the master # as a serialized control message containing two elements, e.g., # self.intercomm.isend(['foo', str(self.rank)], # dest=0, tag=self._ctrl_tag) if running: self.do_work() self.steps += 1 self.log_info('execution step: %s' % self.steps) # Leave loop if maximum number of steps has been reached: if self.steps >= self.max_steps: self.log_info('maximum steps reached') break self.post_run()
[docs]class WorkerManager(ProcessManager): """ Self-launching MPI worker manager. This class may be used to construct an MPI application consisting of - a manager process that spawns MPI processes that execute the run() methods of several subclasses of the Worker class; - worker processes that perform some processing task; and The application should NOT be started via mpiexec. Parameters ---------- ctrl_tag : int MPI tag to identify control messages transmitted to worker nodes. May not be equal to mpi4py.MPI.ANY_TAG Notes ----- This class requires MPI-2 dynamic processing management. See Also -------- Worker """
[docs] def __init__(self, ctrl_tag=1): super(WorkerManager, self).__init__() # Validate control tag. assert ctrl_tag != MPI.ANY_TAG # Tag used to distinguish MPI control messages: self._ctrl_tag = ctrl_tag
def add(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a worker to an MPI application. Parameters ---------- target : Worker Worker class to instantiate and run. args : sequence Sequential arguments to pass to target class constructor. kwargs : dict Named arguments to pass to target class constructor. """ assert issubclass(target, Worker) self.log_info('adding class %s' % target.__name__) return ProcessManager.add(self, target, *args, **kwargs) def process_worker_msg(self, msg): """ Process the specified deserialized message from a worker. """ self.log_info('got ctrl msg: %s' % str(msg)) def wait(self): """ Wait for execution to complete. """ # Start listening for control messages: r_ctrl = [] try: d = self.intercomm.irecv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=self._ctrl_tag) except TypeError: # irecv() in mpi4py 1.3.1 stable uses 'dest' instead of 'source': d = self.intercomm.irecv(dest=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=self._ctrl_tag) r_ctrl.append(d) workers = range(len(self)) req = MPI.Request() while True: # Check for control messages from workers: flag, msg_list = req.testall(r_ctrl) if flag: msg = msg_list[0] if msg[0] == 'done': self.log_info('removing %s from worker list' % msg[1]) workers.remove(msg[1]) # Additional control messages from the workers are processed # here: else: self.process_worker_msg(msg) # Get new control messages: r_ctrl = [] try: d = self.intercomm.irecv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=self._ctrl_tag) except TypeError: # irecv() in mpi4py 1.3.1 stable uses 'dest' instead of 'source': d = self.intercomm.irecv(dest=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=self._ctrl_tag) r_ctrl.append(d) if not workers: self.log_info('finished running manager') break def start(self, steps=float('inf')): """ Tell the workers to start processing data. """ self.log_info('sending steps message (%s)' % steps) for dest in xrange(len(self)): self.intercomm.isend(['steps', str(steps)], dest, self._ctrl_tag) self.log_info('sending start message') for dest in xrange(len(self)): self.intercomm.isend(['start'], dest, self._ctrl_tag) def stop(self): """ Tell the workers to stop processing data. """ self.log_info('sending stop message') for dest in xrange(len(self)): self.intercomm.isend(['stop'], dest, self._ctrl_tag) def quit(self): """ Tell the workers to quit. """ self.log_info('sending quit message') for dest in xrange(len(self)): self.intercomm.isend(['quit'], dest, self._ctrl_tag)
if __name__ == '__main__': import neurokernel.mpi_relaunch import time setup_logger(screen=True, file_name='neurokernel.log', mpi_comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, multiline=True) # Define a class whose constructor takes arguments so as to test # instantiation of the class by the manager: class MyWorker(Worker): def __init__(self, x, y, z=None, routing_table=None): super(MyWorker, self).__init__() name = MPI.Get_processor_name() self.log_info('I am process %d of %d on %s.' % (self.rank, self.size, name)) self.log_info('init args: %s, %s, %s' % (x, y, z)) man = WorkerManager() man.add(target=MyWorker, x=1, y=2, z=3) man.add(MyWorker, 3, 4, 5) man.add(MyWorker, 6, 7, 8) man.spawn() # To run for a specific number of steps, run # man.start(number_of_steps) man.start(100) man.wait()