Source code for neurokernel.pm_gpu

#!/usr/bin/env python

Port mapper for GPU memory.

import numbers

import numpy as np
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
import pycuda.elementwise as elementwise
import as tools

from pm import PortMapper

[docs]class GPUPortMapper(PortMapper): """ Maps a PyCUDA GPUArray to/from path-like port identifiers. """ def _validate_data(self, data): """ Check whether the mapper's ports are compatible with the specified port data array. """ # A port mapper may contain or be assigned None as its data array: if data is None: return True try: # Cannot handle more than 1 dimension: assert np.ndim(data) <= 1 # The integers in the port map must be valid indices into the # data array: # assert max(self.portmap) < len(data) # The port mapper may map identifiers to some portion of the data array: # assert len(self) <= len(data) except: return False else: return True @property def data(self): """ Data associated with ports. """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, x): if self._validate_data(x): if x is None: self._data = None elif isinstance(x, gpuarray.GPUArray): self._data = x else: # Use np.asarray() to deal with scalars: self._data = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.asarray(x)) else: raise ValueError('incompatible or invalid data array specified') def copy(self): """ Return copy of this port mapper. Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.GPUPortMapper Copy of port mapper instance. """ c = self.__class__('') c.portmap = self.portmap.copy() if is not None: = return c @property def data_ctype(self): """ C type corresponding to type of data array. """ if hasattr(, 'dtype'): return tools.dtype_to_ctype( else: return '' @classmethod def from_pm(cls, pm): """ Create a new port mapper instance given an existing instance. Parameters ---------- pm : neurokernel.plsel.PortMapper Existing port mapper instance. If `pm` is not a GPUPortMapper, Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.GPUPortMapper New port mapper instance. """ assert isinstance(pm, PortMapper) r = cls('') r.portmap = pm.portmap.copy() if hasattr(pm, 'data') and is not None: = return r def get_inds_nonzero(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_ports_nonzero(self): raise NotImplementedError def set(self, selector, data): # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() self.set_by_inds(np.asarray(, selector).dropna().values,, data) def get(self, selector): return self.get_by_inds(np.asarray(, selector).dropna().values, __getitem__ = get __setitem__ = set def get_by_inds(self, inds): """ Retrieve mapped data specified by integer index. Parameters ---------- inds : sequence of int Integer indices of data elements to return. Returns ------- result : numpy.ndarray Selected data. """ if not raise ValueError('port mapper contains no data') assert len(np.shape(inds)) == 1 assert issubclass(inds.dtype.type, numbers.Integral) N = len(inds) assert N <= len( if N == 0: return np.empty(N, result = gpuarray.empty(N, if not isinstance(inds, gpuarray.GPUArray): inds = gpuarray.to_gpu(inds) try: func = self.get_by_inds.cache[inds.dtype] except KeyError: inds_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(inds.dtype) v = "{data_ctype} *dest, {inds_ctype} *inds, {data_ctype} *src".format(data_ctype=self.data_ctype, inds_ctype=inds_ctype) func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(v, "dest[i] = src[inds[i]]") self.get_by_inds.cache[inds.dtype] = func func(result, inds,, range=slice(0, N, 1)) return result.get() get_by_inds.cache = {} def set_by_inds_scalar(self, inds, data): """ Set mapped data with scalar by integer indices. Parameters ---------- inds : array-like Integer indices of data elements to update. data : scalar Data to assign. """ if not np.isscalar(data): raise ValueError('data must be scalar') if len(np.shape(inds)) > 1: raise ValueError('index array must be 1D') N = len(inds) if N == 0: return if not isinstance(inds, gpuarray.GPUArray): inds = gpuarray.to_gpu(inds) if not issubclass(inds.dtype.type, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('index array must contain integers') # Allocate data array if it doesn't exist: if not = gpuarray.empty(N, type(data)) else: assert == type(data) try: func = self.set_by_inds_scalar.cache[(inds.dtype,] except KeyError: inds_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(inds.dtype) v = "{data_ctype} *dest, {inds_ctype} *inds, {data_ctype} src".format(data_ctype=self.data_ctype, inds_ctype=inds_ctype) func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(v, "dest[inds[i]] = src") self.set_by_inds_scalar.cache[(inds.dtype,] = func func(, inds, data, range=slice(0, N, 1)) set_by_inds_scalar.cache = {} def set_by_inds_array(self, inds, data): """ Set mapped data with array by integer indices. Parameters ---------- inds : array-like Integer indices of data elements to update. data : numpy.ndarray Data to assign. """ if np.isscalar(data): raise ValueError('data must be array-like') if len(np.shape(inds)) > 1: raise ValueError('index array must be 1D') N = len(inds) if N == 0: return if not isinstance(inds, gpuarray.GPUArray): inds = gpuarray.to_gpu(inds) if not issubclass(inds.dtype.type, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('index array must contain integers') if N != len(data): raise ValueError('len(inds) = %s != %s = len(data)' % (N, len(data))) if not isinstance(data, gpuarray.GPUArray): data = gpuarray.to_gpu(data) # Allocate data array if it doesn't exist: if not = gpuarray.empty(N, data.dtype) else: assert == data.dtype try: func = self.set_by_inds_array.cache[(inds.dtype,] except KeyError: inds_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(inds.dtype) v = "{data_ctype} *dest, {inds_ctype} *inds, {data_ctype} *src".format(data_ctype=self.data_ctype, inds_ctype=inds_ctype) func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(v, "dest[inds[i]] = src[i]") self.set_by_inds_array.cache[(inds.dtype,] = func func(, inds, data, range=slice(0, N, 1)) set_by_inds_array.cache = {} def set_by_inds(self, inds, data): """ Set mapped data by integer indices. Parameters ---------- inds : sequence of int Integer indices of data elements to update. data : numpy.ndarray or scalar Data to assign. """ if np.isscalar(data): self.set_by_inds_scalar(inds, data) else: self.set_by_inds_array(inds, data)