Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

Port mapper classes.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from plsel import SelectorMethods

[docs]class BasePortMapper(object): """ Maps integer sequence to/from path-like port identifiers. Examples -------- >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]') >>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]') array([2, 3]) >>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1]) [('a', 0), ('a', 1)] Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]) to map to `data`. portmap : sequence of int Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified, it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0 through one less than the number of ports. Attributes ---------- index : pandas.MultiIndex Index of port identifiers. portmap : pandas.Series Map of port identifiers to integer indices. Notes ----- The selectors may not contain any '*' or '[:]' characters. A single port identifier may be mapped to multiple integer indices, but not vice-versa. """
[docs] def __init__(self, selector, portmap=None): self.sel = SelectorMethods() N = self.sel.count_ports(selector) if portmap is None: self.portmap = pd.Series(data=np.arange(N)) else: assert len(portmap) == N self.portmap = pd.Series(data=np.array(portmap)) self.portmap.index = self.sel.make_index(selector)
def copy(self): """ Return copy of this port mapper. Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper Copy of port mapper instance. """ c = BasePortMapper('') c.portmap = self.portmap.copy() return c @classmethod def from_index(cls, idx, portmap=None): """ Create port mapper from a Pandas index and a sequence of integer indices. Parameters ---------- index : pandas.MultiIndex Index containing selector data. portmap : sequence of int Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified, it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0 through one less than the number of ports. Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper New port mapper instance. Notes ----- If specified, the portmap sequence is copied into the new mapper to avoid side effects associated with modifying the specified sequence after mapper instantiation. """ pm = cls('') N = len(idx) if portmap is None: pm.portmap = pd.Series.from_array(np.arange(N), idx) else: assert len(portmap) == N pm.portmap = pd.Series.from_array(np.array(portmap), idx) return pm @classmethod def from_pm(cls, pm): """ Create a new port mapper instance given an existing instance. Parameters ---------- result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper Existing port mapper instance. Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper New port mapper instance. """ assert isinstance(pm, cls) r = cls('') r.portmap = pm.portmap.copy() return r @property def index(self): """ Port mapper index. """ return self.portmap.index @index.setter def index(self, i): self.portmap.index = i def inds_to_ports(self, inds): """ Convert list of integer indices to port identifiers. Examples -------- >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]') >>> print pm.inds_to_ports([0, 1]) [('a', 0), ('a', 1)] Parameters ---------- inds : array_like of int Integer indices of ports. Returns ------- t : list of tuple Expanded port identifiers. """ return self.portmap[self.portmap.isin(inds)].index.tolist() def ports_to_inds(self, selector): """ Convert port selector to list of integer indices. Examples -------- >>> pm = BasePortMapper('/[a,b][0:2]') >>> print pm.ports_to_inds('/b[0:2]') Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]). Returns ------- inds : numpy.ndarray of int Integer indices of ports comprised by selector. """ return, selector).dropna().astype(np.int_).values def get_map(self, selector): """ Retrieve integer indices associated with selector. Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]). Returns ------- result : numpy.ndarray Selected data. """ return np.asarray(, selector).dropna()) def set_map(self, selector, portmap): """ Set mapped integer index associated with selector. Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]). portmap : sequence of int Integer indices to map to port identifiers. """ self.portmap[self.sel.get_index(self.portmap, selector)] = portmap def equals(self, pm): """ Check whether this mapper is equivalent to another mapper. Parameters ---------- pm : neurokernel.plsel.BasePortMapper Mapper to compare to this mapper. Returns ------- result : bool True if the specified port mapper contains the same port identifiers as this instance and maps them to the same integer values. Notes ----- The port identifiers and maps in the specified port mapper need not be in the same order as this instance to be deemed equal. """ assert isinstance(pm, BasePortMapper) pm0 = self.portmap.sort_values() pm1 = pm.portmap.sort_values() if np.array_equal(pm0.values, pm1.values) and \ pm0.index.equals(pm1.index): return True else: return False def __len__(self): return self.portmap.size def __repr__(self): return 'Map:\n----\n'+self.portmap.__repr__()
[docs]class PortMapper(BasePortMapper): """ Maps a numpy array to/from path-like port identifiers. Examples -------- >>> data = np.array([1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 2]) >>> pm = PortMapper('/d[0:5]', data) >>> print pm['/d[1]'] array([0]) >>> print pm['/d[2:4]'] array([3, 2]) Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]) to map to `data`. data : numpy.ndarray 1D data array to map to ports. If no data array is specified, port identifiers will still be mapped to their sequential indices but __getitem__() and __setitem__() will raise exceptions if invoked. portmap : sequence of int Integer indices to map to port identifiers. If no map is specified, it is assumed to be an array of consecutive integers from 0 through one less than the number of ports. make_copy : bool If True, map a copy of the specified data array to the specified port identifiers. Attributes ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Data that has been mapped to ports. dtype : numpy.dtype Type of mapped data. index : pandas.MultiIndex Index of port identifiers. portmap : pandas.Series Map of port identifiers to integer indices into `data`. Notes ----- The selectors may not contain any '*' or '[:]' characters. """ def _validate_data(self, data): """ Check whether the mapper's ports are compatible with the specified port data array. """ # A port mapper may contain or be assigned None as its data array: if data is None: return True try: # Cannot handle more than 1 dimension: assert np.ndim(data) <= 1 # The integers in the port map must be valid indices into the # data array: # assert max(self.portmap) < len(data) # The port mapper may map identifiers to some portion of the data array: # assert len(self) <= len(data) except: return False else: return True
[docs] def __init__(self, selector, data=None, portmap=None, make_copy=True): super(PortMapper, self).__init__(selector, portmap) self._data = None if data is None: = None else: if np.ndim(data) == 0: = np.full(len(self), data) else: if make_copy: = data.copy() else: = data
@property def data(self): """ Data associated with ports. """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, x): if self._validate_data(x): if x is None: self._data = None # Always store dimensionless values in a 1D array: elif np.ndim(x) == 0: self._data = np.array([x]) else: if len(x): self._data = np.asarray(x) else: self._data = None else: raise ValueError('incompatible or invalid data array specified') def copy(self): """ Return copy of this port mapper. Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.PortMapper Copy of port mapper instance. """ c = self.__class__('') c.portmap = self.portmap.copy() = return c @classmethod def from_index(cls, idx, data, portmap=None): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def from_pm(cls, pm): """ Create a new port mapper instance given an existing instance. Parameters ---------- result : neurokernel.plsel.PortMapper Existing port mapper instance. Returns ------- result : neurokernel.plsel.PortMapper New port mapper instance. """ assert isinstance(pm, cls) r = cls('') r.portmap = pm.portmap.copy() = return r @property def dtype(self): """ Port mapper data type. """ return @dtype.setter def dtype(self, d): = d def get(self, selector): """ Retrieve mapped data specified by given selector. Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]). Returns ------- result : numpy.ndarray Selected data. """ if is None: raise ValueError('port mapper contains no data') return[np.asarray(, selector).dropna().values,] def get_by_inds(self, inds): """ Retrieve mapped data specified by integer index. Parameters ---------- inds : sequence of int Integer indices of data elements to return. Returns ------- result : numpy.ndarray Selected data. """ if is None: raise ValueError('port mapper contains no data') return[inds] def get_ports(self, f): """ Select ports using a data selection function. Parameters ---------- f : callable or sequence If callable, treat as elementwise selection function to apply to the mapped data array. If a sequence, treat as an index into the mapped data array. Returns ------- s : list of tuple Expanded port identifiers selected by the specified function or boolean array. """ assert callable(f) or (np.iterable(f) and len(f) == len( if callable(f): idx = self.portmap[f(].index else: idx = self.portmap[f].index return self.sel.index_to_selector(idx) def get_inds_nonzero(self): """ Select indices of ports with nonzero data. Returns ------- inds : numpy.ndarray Array of integer indices. """ return np.nonzero([0] def get_ports_nonzero(self): """ Select ports with nonzero data. Returns ------- s : list of tuple Expanded port identifiers whose corresponding data is nonzero. """ return self.get_ports(lambda x: np.nonzero(x)[0]) def get_ports_as_inds(self, f): """ Select integer indices corresponding to ports in map. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> pm = PortMapper(np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0]), '/a[0:5]') >>> pm.get_ports_as_inds(lambda x: np.asarray(x, dtype=np.bool)) array([1, 3]) Parameters ---------- f : callable or sequence If callable, treat as elementwise selection function to apply to the mapped data array. If a sequence, treat as an index into the mapped data array. Returns ------- inds : numpy.ndarray of int Integer indices of selected ports. """ assert callable(f) or (np.iterable(f) and len(f) == len( if callable(f): v = self.portmap[f(].values else: v = self.portmap[f].values return v def set(self, selector, data): """ Set mapped data specified by given selector. Parameters ---------- selector : str, unicode, or sequence Selector string (e.g., '/foo[0:2]') or sequence of token sequences (e.g., [['foo', (0, 2)]]). data : numpy.ndarray Array of data to save. """ # will return a Series with nan for selector [()], hence dropna # is necessary here if is None: = data else:[np.asarray(, selector).dropna().values,] = data def set_by_inds(self, inds, data): """ Set mapped data by integer indices. Parameters ---------- inds : sequence of int Integer indices of data elements to update. data : numpy.ndarray Data to assign. """[inds] = data __getitem__ = get __setitem__ = set def equals(self, other): """ Check whether this mapper is equivalent to another mapper. Parameters ---------- other : neurokernel.plsel.PortMapper Mapper to compare to this mapper. Returns ------- result : bool True if the mappers map the same selectors to the same integer indices and data. Notes ----- Mappers containing the same rows in different orders are not regarded as equivalent. """ assert isinstance(other, self.__class__) return self.portmap.equals(other.portmap) and ( == def __repr__(self): return 'Map:\n----\n'+self.portmap.__repr__()+'\n\ndata:\n'